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Nurturing People
At Nakashimada, we strongly believe the spirit of manufacturing lies in the nurturing of our workers.
We stress that our workers are in a healthy state of mind both physically and spiritually.  Being creative and interested is important for those who work in manufacturing. 
For a manufacturing professional in a family business that passes down from generation to generation, we must think constantly “development and evolution”.  We have to constantly evolve ourselves so as to provide products that cannot be imitated, and certainly worth the investment.
Group of engineers who work 40 years till retirement
Our philosophy to provide “the right price for the best product” proves to be rewarding for our employees.  We believe that with this system we can help preserve the value of the manufacturing sector of Japan.
Almost all of the staff at Nakashimada are regular employees.  Most serve 40 years before their retirement.  They all helped nurture the culture that has supported Nakashimada for the past 100 years.
Our Strength